Dynamic Object Language Labs

Artificial Intelligence Consulting Services

27 September 1995

Our contract and consulting services are based on our object oriented convictions. Object oriented programming methods have been important in Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research and Development for three decades. We have collectively in our AI consulting group over 35 years experience in AI research, and AI tool and application development. We have helped numerous customers successfully deliver both expert system applications, and applications that have a small but crucial AI component. We provide consulting and contract services in the areas of:

We have significant experience in developing both AI tools and applications for OS/2, Windows, Genera and Unix, using C++, Lisp, Smalltalk, Prolog, and Yolambda.

A customer success story

A large defense contractor needed a software module to do image recognition and manipulation for a set of graphics in a very large document base. We designed algorithms for recognition and transformation of images, metrics for comparison of images, and a genetic algorithm approach to learning image characteristics to use in the automated analysis and manipulation of the images. This successful use of AI technology is notable for three interesting (and common) features:

Further discussion of AI in applications

Although many organizations have had tremendous success with more traditional expert systems, as have many of DOLL's customers, many applications require a very different application of AI technology. One of the advantages of dealing with DOLL is the diversity of applications and AI technology that we can apply to solving your problem.

Our facilities and personnel are highly qualified to assist you in solving any problem you may have with Artificial Intelligence Technology.

For consulting rates or other information, contact Dynamic Object Language Labs at:

info@doll.com or rladdaga@doll.com
508 372 7635 (also fax, call first)
9 Bartlet Street, Suite 334, Andover MA 01810

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